Skin Care related Queries

1) How to identify my skin type?
The trick to caring for your skin is knowing your skin because understanding means you can find the right products that work for you and combat potential issues without causing more problems. Here is a quick guide to help you identify your skin type.
Normal Skin
Normal skin doesn’t experience many breakouts. It doesn’t tend to react negatively to new products or weather changes. It doesn’t need constant moisturisation and it does not blot oil from face all day long. The skin is firm, with minimal fine lines and wrinkles.
Oily Skin
Oily skin tends to have sebaceous glands in the skin that make too much sebum. Excess oil on the face produces a persistently shiny or greasy appearance. Pores are visibly enlarged, especially on your nose, chin and forehead.
Dry/Dehydrated Skin
Dryness and dehydration are actually two separate concerns, but they have very similar symptoms. Here’s how to identify them in your skin:
Dryness is caused by a lack of oil in the skin. Symptoms include flakiness, sensitivity, itchiness and cracks.
Dehydration is the result of your skin not retaining enough moisture. Your skin may be feel tight, have a papery appearance or show small, fine lines when your skin is pinched
If the skin is dry in certain areas, while oily in others then its a combination skin type. Combination skin is most easily defined by an oily T-zone (the strip across the forehead and the line down the nose) and dry or normal skin on the rest of the face.
Acne-Prone Skin
If you experience frequent breakouts (or ones that just never seem to go away), you likely have acne-prone skin. Your pores tend to clog easily, making you more susceptible to whiteheads, blackheads or pustules than other skin types. You can have oily or dry skin and be prone to acne.
Sensitive Skin
Sensitive skin might be caused by genetics, allergies or environmental factors. Signs of this skin type include:
- Skin that flushes easily
- Frequent rashes and bumps
- Stinging or burning after using a skin care product
- Negative reaction to fragrance
- Patches of dry, flaky, irritated skin
2) How to choose best product for my skin?
Here is a quick referral guide to always choose the best product that suits your skin type.
Ingredients are listed in descending order to 1 percent, starting with the largest amount in the product (often water). Ingredients with less than 1 percent can be listed in any order. Check the concentration of ingredients.
Picking the right Ingredients that work for your skin type is essential to effective skin care-
Depending on whether you have sensitive, dry or oily skin, you’ll want to look for certain ingredients and avoid others.
Sensitive skin. If you have sensitive skin, the fewer ingredients in a product the Don’t use too many anti-aging ingredients. Look for calming ingredients such as polyphenols, chamomile and aloe.
Dry skin. Use a moisturising day cream that is more effective and less irritating for dry skin—instead of a lotion. Look for a cream or ointment containing olive oil, jojoba oil or shea
- Oily skin. Use an oil-free, non-comedogenic (doesn’t block pores) foaming cleanser that contains salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to prevent breakouts. Oily skin still requires a moisturiser.
Expired products can carry harmful bacteria that can cause irritation, rashes, blemishes and skin infections. Look for the expiry date of the product written on it. It tells you how long your product is good for after opening. Jot down the date you open the container so you’ll know when to dispose of any unused product. Also, look for a lot number. The lot number ensures that the product is traceable back to its origins in case anything should ever go wrong.
• Avoid irritating ingredients
Regardless of your skin type, you should avoid ingredients that can irritate your skin, such as parabens.
• Know your skin type
Identify what kind of skin type you have. Knowing whether your skin is dry, oily, or normal will help discover what type of product works best for you.
Those with acne-prone and sensitive skin need to be the most cautious with different ingredients in their skincare products. Oily skin can handle a wider range of ingredients that can sometimes trigger breakouts or irritation to other skin types.
• Always do a patch test
A patch test is smart practice in your process of product elimination. A patch test can help determine if certain products or ingredients will cause allergic reactions, irritate your skin, or clog your pores.
• Don't expect instant results.
For the most part, it takes time for a product to really make a difference. Continued use is necessary to maintain the results. Consistency is key. For example, products for uneven skin tone or fading dark spots can take several weeks before results become visible.
4) What are different parts of skin care regime?
Whether you have a three- or nine-step routine, there’s one thing anyone can do to improve their skincare, which is to apply products in the right order. No matter your skin concerns, you’ll want to start with a clean, toned base, then apply concentrated, active ingredients, and finish by sealing in moisture. Here is a quick guide for a good skincare regimen.
The Ultimate Skin Care Routine: Step By Step
Step 1: Cleansing
Facial cleansing is the most popular first step of a daily skincare routine. Regular cleansing is key to maintaining healthy looking and feeling skin.
Facial cleansing removes oil, dirt, and other unwanted elements on our face. In addition, it helps boost hydration. Excessive dirt buildup on the surface of the skin can cause blockages of the pores, which allows bacteria to penetrate causing inflammation, which in turn can cause acne. For best results: cleanse morning, night and after exercising.
Look at product directions to better understand proper application of cleanser, as products can vary in application. After applying product and rinsing, pat your skin dry with a clean towel.
Step 2: Tone
Toning enhances the skin’s surface by unclogging pores, helping add essential ingredients & hydrating the skin.
Toners provide a healthy layer to better absorb the rest of your skincare products & provides additional nutrients to the skin.
A toner should be applied after cleanser. Cleanse your face first to remove any unwanted elements or makeup. Rinse well, then dry your face with a clean towel. Finally apply a toner.
Step 3: Moisturise
The main purpose of moisturiser is to hydrate the skin and leave your skin feeling soft to the touch. Moisturisers can sometimes have an SPF, which helps protect from the sun.
A moisturiser can be applied in the morning or night. It should ideally be applied as the last step before makeup is applied. For nighttime application, apply moisturiser as the last step before going to bed.
5) What do I do if I have sensitive skin?
Sensitive skin does not react well with all types of ingredients that are present in the products. It is very important to know the ingredients present in the product you’re buying to avoid any skin irritation which can occur after using.
Skin test for sensitive skin:
It is very important to have a skin test done before using a new product on your face or trying a new brand of cosmetic altogether. Just do a test patch in the inner elbow, for 48 hours to see any skin reaction.
Moisturize your skin:
Having a healthy skin care regime is very important for all skin types, especially the sensitive skin types that requires water to be locked in to prevent it from drying. Use a moisturizer that suits your skin.
Check what you eat:
It is very important to check your diet. Healthy eating habits flush out toxins and give you glowing skin. Drink lots of water and fresh juices to keep your skin hydrated. This is the most important of beauty tips for sensitive skin. Some foods may react adversely on your skin and increase the sensitivity. Analyze and avoid them.

Keep away from the sun:
Too much heat damages skin cells and can often cause skin rashes and diseases. Harmful ultra violet rays of the sun should be avoided by wearing sunglasses and using sunscreen lotions with high SPF.
Wash your face:
Whenever you get a chance, always wash your face. It not only hydrates your skin but also helps to clean out impurities that might be clogging your pores. Always pat your skin to dry. Avoid rubbing.
Use facial cleansing wipes:
Instead of using harsh towels, try using facial wipes that just requires to be patted on your skin than rubbing it.
Use Mild Cleansing Agents:
Avoid using soaps and face washes that contain harsh chemicals and preservatives as they may dry and damage your sensitive skin. Go for mild hypoallergenic cleaners instead.
Effective Toner:
Dab toner over your skin using a clean cotton pad.
6) What causes acne?
Acne is caused when oil-producing sebaceous glands kick into over-drive and produce oil in excess. When that excess of oil mixes with dead skin cells and other dirt and grime that may be lingering on your skin's surface it can clog pores. Finally, when those pores become infiltrated with bacteria they can turn into breakouts. But there are few other factors that can cause acne.
Hormonal Ups and Downs: Oil-producing glands are affected by hormonal fluctuations— puberty, pregnancy, and right before your period.
Genetics: If your mom or dad had acne, chances are you are likely going to have acne as
Blockage of Oil: This can be caused by changes in the thickness or viscosity of your sebum, scarring from recent breakouts, dead skin cell buildup, improper cleansing and/or occlusive skincare
Bacteria: it's key is to keep your hands away from your face and to keep any materials that come into contact with your skin (like pillowcases, cleansing brushes, towels, etc.)
Stress: It's believed that stress can worsen existing skin
Lifestyle Factors: Some studies have shown that lifestyle factors— everything from pollution to diet—may play a part in causing breakouts.
7) Does oily skin requires moisturisation?
The key care tip with oily skin is to make sure you’re hydrating it without adding extra oil from other products. With no moisture at all your skin would become dehydrated and begin to over-compensate by producing more oil.
Choose a moisturiser that is suitable for oily skin. You have two main options, water based or oil-based. If your skin is oily you should be looking for a moisturiser which is water-based, as these are much less rich compared to their oil-based
A light moisturiser formulation. Heavy creams and lotions will be too rich for the skin; when a cream is too heavy your pores cannot absorb it, resulting in the product sitting on top of your
Use a non-comedogenic moisturiser, meaning it does not clog pores or cause pimples. Products with a high percentage of natural ingredients in their formulation, tend to be the best as they have smaller molecules and therefore able to penetrate the skin better and less likely to cause blocked pores.
8) Where do the materials that are used for Global Beauty Secrets come from ?
The main Ingredients are sourced from the Country of its origin.
9) How are the fragrances in Global Beauty Secrets constituted?
Depending on the product segment we make products with essential oils in it as fragrances or else we use synthetic perfumes as fragrances.
10) What is the difference between Day Creams & Night Creams?
Day creams are most often lighter creams that apply well under makeup, protect from pollutants, and sometimes contain SPF. Night creams most often have a heavier texture to provide a deeper moisturising to the skin.
Product Related Queries

1) How do I know if the product is right for me?
We always recommend determining your skin type to choose best suitable products.
You can check the Ingredient List and the Label Claims and determine whether you want to go ahead with the product.
Those with acne-prone and sensitive skin need to be the most cautious with different ingredients in their skincare products. Oily skin can handle a wider range of ingredients that can sometimes trigger breakouts or irritation to other skin types.
Our products are for all skin types so you won’t have any issues concerning your skin type. But we always recommend a patch test on the inner side of your arm or inside your elbow.
2) What are the best products for Anti ageing (pigmentation/dry skin/wrinkles/uneven skin tone)?
We recommend our Japanese Camellia Illuminating Cream which has high amount of polyphenols (substance which helps in reducing wrinkles, fine lines, etc.) which helps protect skin from ageing and sun damage. It has vitamins like A,D and E which helps in retaining moisture in skin, making it softer and smoother thus reducing fine lines. It helps build up collagen levels in skin due to presence of Oleic Acids in them.
We also recommend our Egyptian Gold Dust Face Masque, which has Gold Flakes that helps prevent premature ageing. It helps tighten your skin and also removes dirt from your face.
3)What is the best regime for Dry skin?
We recommend CTM Regime. Here is a quick guide.
Cleansing your face is the very first and one of the most essential steps for glowing, toned skin. Throughout the day, your skin has to weather the damage caused by dirt, pollution and harmful UV days. You must first wash your face and remove all the impurities using a
cleansing lotion.
We recommended you use a facial cleanser that contains emollients which will wash away any build-up on your face.
A toner will help tone your skin and remove any impurities that are left behind, giving you clean, calm skin. It also help in reducing the damage caused by UV rays and calm your skin while keeping it hydrated.
3. Moisturise
Moisturising your face is the most important step in skincare regime for Dry skin. It provides the necessary hydration to the skin which is needed and keeps the skin soft and smooth. Thus, helps prevent fine lines and wrinkles.

4) How does Day Cream work as sun protectant?
Day creams consist of have natural SPF. We recommend our Turkish Watermelon & Argan Oil Day Cream, as it has natural ingredients and Liquorice present in it that acts as a natural sunscreen booster.
5) Is Adzuki Bean face Wash suitable for dry or sensitive skin type?
Our Japanese Adzuki Bean Face wash can be used by people of all skin types. However, it best suits on Oily skin.
6) Are products from Global Beauty Secrets manufactured abroad?
All GBS products are manufactured and distributed from Mumbai, India.
7) Is animal testing carried out for Global Beauty Secrets ?
GBS has a super strict cruelty free policy. No products or source ingredients are tested on animals. Our manufacturing and testing processes are completely free from animal testing and we only source from suppliers who do not test on animals.
8) Are your products safe for pregnant women to use?
While there is no reason to expect an issue with the use of our products during pregnancy, we recommend that any expectant mother check with her physician before changing her skin care routine.
9) Can I use GBS products with other skin care products?
Yes, GBS products can be used with other skincare products. There are no contradictions for using our skincare products with other skin care brands.
10) I have skin concerns that I’d like to discuss with someone before purchasing. Who can I speak to?
We have an online consultation facility available to address all your beauty needs, product queries, and any other beauty related questions you may have. You can visit our website to book a consultation session or reach out to us on 7738094200. We would be glad to assist you!
11) What is the shelf-life of the products?
GBS products will last up to 24 months unopened from date of manufacture.
12) What types of ingredients are used in GBS products?
All our products are enriched with Botanical Extracts and all our Ingredients are sourced from the country of its origin.

Order Related Queries
1) How can I place my order?
To place an order with us, you can visit our website
Step 1: Click on Shop and choose the product you would like to purchase.
Step 2: Click on Add to Cart.
Step 3: Proceed to check out where you must complete the details of your order
and place your order successfully.
2) How can I confirm if my order is placed?
Once you place your order, you will get a confirmation email and SMS on your registered email address and mobile number respectively.
3) How can I track my order?
All our deliveries are serviced through well-reputed couriers. As soon as your order is dispatched, you will receive an email with your package's tracking number as well as the name of the courier company that is processing your order. You can use the tracking number to track the status of your package.
4) What if my order is damaged during transit?
While we try our best to fulfil your order in the best manner possible, for any complaints in regards to your order, please contact Customer Care within 7 business days of your order delivery.
5) How to get refund?
For pre-paid orders that have not yet been shipped, your order will be cancelled within 24 hours of cancellation and reflect as per your bank guidelines which is usually within 7-10 business days. For all orders that have been delivered, we do not entertain Return requests unless the order qualifies as a damaged product. For any such requirements, you can connect with our customer care on 7738094200 or email us at
6) What are the modes of Payment?
You can pay for purchases using Cash on Delivery, Debit, Credit card, Net banking methods as well as UPI and bank deposit.
7) What if I have complaints about my order?
We believe strongly in our products and their quality and want you to be completely happy with your purchase. For any sort of complaints & queries, you can reach out to our customer care on 7738094200 or email us at Our Customer Care will be happy to assist you.
8) Can I ship my order to an address other than my home address?
You can do this by opting in your address as the 'Billing address' and the address you wish to ship it to as the 'Shipping address’.
9) How quickly can I receive my order?
We dispatch most orders within 24-48 hours of receiving the order. Once the order is dispatched, you can expect delivery of the order within 3-7 business days.
10) Where does GBS ship?
We ship products throughout India and offer complimentary shipping on all orders placed.
11) What are the shipping charges I will incur?
We ship products throughout India and provide complimentary shipping over all purchases.
12) What can I do if my payment is declined?
There are various reasons for why your payment may have declined but we suggest to verify the following steps.
Check with your bank to ensure about the payment method.
Check if your debit, credit or net banking system information is valid and up to date or If you have changed information recently.
Please confirm your credit card or debit card details.
For any further assistance, please connect with our customer care at 7738094200. We would be happy to assist you through it.
13) What should I do if I can’t complete the checkout process?
Please contact our Customer Care on 7738094200. We will be happy to assist you with your purchase.